Code of Conduct

MSFL recognizes the importance and value of a mutually supportive relationship between the school and parents. The education of a child is best served when the school and parents share a commitment to collaboration, open lines of communication, mutual respect, and when roles, responsibilities, and expectations are clearly defined. The school reserves the prerogative to enroll students and families who fully embrace the mission, vision, policies, and procedures adopted by the school, including our commitment to diversity, respect for individual differences, and secularism. It is a further expectation that parents will address any concerns in a positive and supportive manner, avoiding public actions or criticism detrimental to the school or its employees.
The addendum to this code of conduct further clarifies expectations intended to ensure an orderly, respectful, and secure educational environment.
The specifics referred to in this addendum to the Parent Code of Conduct, are representative of, but not limited to, conduct expectations for parents:
Recognize that the education of each child is the joint responsibility of the parent, student, faculty and school community.
Demonstrate that both parents and the school work cooperatively in the best interest of the child.
Treat members of the MSFL faculty, staff, and volunteers of MSFl, in a professional and respectful manner
Exhibit a good example for students in their conduct, language and behavior while on campus or at school sponsored activities.
Refrain from negative gossip or unsubstantiated criticism that disparages the reputation of the school or its employees.
Refrain from using social media to fuel discontent or criticism of individual school employees, other parents, students, or school programs or services.

Seek to clarify a child’s version of events with the school’s view in order to avoid misunderstanding and to bring about a successful resolution to any dispute.
Contact the school director when you have a question or need clarification of a school matter rather than depending upon the interpretation of parents or uninvolved staff.
Ensure that children attend school regularly and arrive to and are picked up on time. Staff is not responsible for your child after the end of their day. If you are late repeatedly, this could result in being removed from the program.
Ensure to comply with any reasonable request from a school employee in the performance of his/her duties
* Any parent or guardian not respecting the above guidelines may be removed from the premises and have their children permanently removed from the program.

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